An exploration of generative art and blockchain technology

721 : {
"0e14267a8020229adc0184dd25fa3174c3f7d6caadcb4425c70e7c04": {
"unsig00000": {
"files": [
"code": {
"file": "unsig.py",
"mediatype": "text/python",
"src": [
"import numpy as np",
"from PIL import Image",
"#pixel dimension",
"dim = 4096",
"#replace the content inside {} with your unsig's properties",
"unsig = {'index': 0,",
" 'num_props': 0,",
" 'properties': {",
" 'multipliers' : [],",
" 'colors' : [],",
" 'distributions' : [],",
" 'rotations' : []}}",
"def norm(x , mean , std):",
" p = (np.pi*std) * np.exp(-0.5*((x-mean)/std)**2)",
" return p",
"def scale_make2d(s):",
" scaled = np.interp(s, (s.min(), s.max()), (0, u_range))",
" two_d = np.tile(scaled, (dim, 1))",
" return two_d",
"def gen_nft(nft):",
" idx = unsig['index']",
" props = unsig['properties']",
" props['multipliers']=list(map(float, props['multipliers']))",
" props['rotations']=list(map(int, props['rotations']))",
" n = np.zeros((dim, dim, 3)).astype(np.uint32)",
" for i in range(unsig['num_props']):",
" mult = props['multipliers'][i]",
" col = props['colors'][i]",
" dist = props['distributions'][i]",
" rot = props['rotations'][i]",
" c = channels[col]",
" buffer = mult * np.rot90(dists[dist], k=(rot / 90))",
" n[ :, :, c ] = n[ :, :, c ] + buffer",
" n = np.interp(n, (0, u_range), (0, 255)).astype(np.uint8)",
" return (idx, n)",
"if __name__ == '__main__':",
" #setup",
" x = list(range(dim))",
" u_range = 4294967293",
" mean = np.mean(x)",
" std = dim/6",
" #probability and cumulative distribution",
" p_1d = np.array(norm(x, mean, std)).astype(np.uint32)",
" c_1d = np.cumsum(p_1d)",
" #2d arrays",
" p_2d = scale_make2d(p_1d)",
" c_2d = scale_make2d(c_1d)",
" #dicts for retrieving values",
" dists = {'Normal': p_2d, 'CDF': c_2d}",
" channels = {'Red': 0, 'Green': 1, 'Blue': 2}",
" #make your nft",
" i, nft = gen_nft(unsig)",
" img = Image.fromarray(nft)",
" img.save(f'unsig_{i:05d}.png')"
"env": {
"file": "unsig.yml",
"mediatype": "text/conda",
"src": [
"name: unsig",
" - defaults",
" - python=3.8.10=hdb3f193_7",
" - numpy=1.20.2=py38h2d18471_0",
" - pillow=8.2.0=py38he98fc37_0"
"image": "ipfs://QmTBKj1y1CXNaZzBWHtSiAWbuUTHUgT1h7NEUDSmaCxBdJ",
"series": "unsigned_algorithms",
"title": "unsig_00000"